Dear Diary,
I got the crown with the help of Atavan, novocaine, and nitrous oxide (good lord I love nitrous). I got through the UNIMAGINABLE, INHUMAN, CHEW MY OWN LEG TO GET OUT OF THIS TRAP pain when the novocaine wore off with the help of Matthew’s fingers and hydrocodone. There are a couple pressure points on my temple, when rubbed hard enough, that provide some relief. Matthew discovered them a year and a half ago when I was in the same pain after getting a crown on the same damn tooth. He rubs them so hard I feel nauseous but also…good? Nothing feels good. In less pain I guess. And I had insisted my doctor give me something for the pain of the crown itself and the novocaine injection site (she refuses to give me pain meds for my face pain). THANK HOLY FUCK. I couldn’t move it hurt so much. Getting the pills to my mouth took hours it seemed. But they did the trick and knocked me out from 4pm to 6am.
I woke up with back-to-normal pain and went to Redwood City to meet with a neurosurgeon. Initially, after that annoying note from my neurologist, I had thought maybe I shouldn’t go. I wanted to see a problem that surgery would help. Thank holy fuck I went. The appointment was on a big Kaiser campus crawling with sick people. I went up to the 3rd floor of a building called The Tower to the Neurosurgery Department and waited in a room with other Neurosurgery patients, a perspective-lending experience if ever there was one (also, why is perspective lent and not given?). I couldn’t help but try to catch side glimpses at my fellow cohorts. The young woman accompanied by her parents who was dressed in her PJs and had her hoodie hood high on her head was especially curious to me. I felt so sad that someone so young was so obviously in pain and seeking brain surgery. Sigh.
Eventually, 20 minutes late, my doctor came in. When you get higher up in the departments of these medical specialties you find more white men, as he indeed was. I tend to try to avoid white men in my medical experience but at this point I want to talk to everyone. He was friendly but brisk. Everyone is brisk. They have strict time limits for their appointments. And I have 11 years of not being invited up to this level of speciality. Not a good match. He told me he wanted to ignore every other doctor I’ve ever seen and just hear directly from me what my experience has been, from the very start. It was good to be able to recount my journey to someone with so much experience with facial pain. He took notes and behaved like a detective. At the end of my sad chronicle he said, bomb drop mic drop: “I don't think you have Trigeminal Neuralgia. I think you have Atypical Face Pain.” OH WHAT THE FUCK.
“You are a part of a big community of Facial Pain, think of it like a pie, and in that pie is a very thin slice called Trigeminal Neuralgia. It has a very specific set of diagnostic markers, ones we can isolate and name and then come to a diagnosis of TN. Everything else we call Atypical Face Pain. TN sufferers experience their pain as electrical attacks that last up to a minute. Triggers can be as simple as a breeze. Two things tell me you don’t have TN: the fact that your attacks last 30-60 minutes and not seconds and the fact that having someone rub your face helps and doesn’t hurt you. It doesn’t mean you’re not in pain, or that your pain is any less legitimate, it is just part of a more amorphous and broad diagnostic grouping.”
Oooh, okay, breath. Breath. Don’t cry.
Three neurologists have listened to my symptoms, including the one who sent me to you and who I am currently under the care of. WHAT THE FUCK.
Having waited for a diagnosis for 4 years it was hugely relieving to be given one, one with a name that was specific, and specifically, had the word Neuralgia in it. People don't know what that is but it sounds real and awful. Having this diagnosis allows for a feeling of being a part of a community, even if I haven’t ever managed to meet someone in it. Being told I no longer have that diagnosis feels a bit like a rejection. I can handle this with just a little bit of mental work, but none the less, blech. Feels yucky.
Calling the pain I go through Atypical Face Pain is a bit like telling someone who has believed that they’ve been getting migraines for 11 years that no, they only get headaches, when anyone who has ever had a migraine can tell you that a migraine has nothing to do with a headache and to say their names in the same sentence is an insult to all migraine sufferers all over the world. I don’t have Face Pain. I mean, I do, right?, that is what is it at its very basic essence. But the name doesn’t give any weight to the depth and breadth and intensity and life-ruining qualities of that pain. So fuck that, I don’t want to tell anyone I have a disorder called Atypical Face Pain. That’s just dumb.
A subsequent search for info on this bullshit category of pain renders a lot of pages that go under the guise of face pain but really just want to talk about Trigeminal Neuralgia. I get why, it’s a much more orderly and proper condition. And geeeez, just when I thought I was getting more clarity and reaching a narrower level of care I get pushed back down into a realm of blurry vagueness. So now I’m part of a different community, one that will always be subjugated to TN. Great.
I ended the appointment feeling better, despite the new diagnosis. I feel better because the doctor believes that I am a good candidate for the care his team can offer, even if the offering isn’t surgery. It is like I have unlocked the next level in this video game. He will share his notes and diagnosis with his team, all of whom specialize in various aspects of facial pain, and they will come up with a game plan for my future, one that will involve options other than just medication. While I am waiting to hear from them I am to get more SPG blocks — apparently it can take a couple times before people feel any results from them, so, why not? And I am now at the maximum dose of Baclofen and half the allowed dose of Gabapentin and I think they are having the effect of tamping the pain a bit, like a trumpet with one of those covers on it, can’t remember the name of that thing. I have attacks and they are bad but they are not suicidal bad. And I’m going to go up to the max dose of Gaba just to see what happens.
After my appointment I got a note from the doctor with some links to Facial Pain organizations and in a fit of excitement I decided to go to this conference. Again, I am unbelievably aware and grateful to have the privilege to be able to go. I have the money to pay for a plane ticket, the registration fee, a hotel. $1000 for 36 hours! This is a gift to myself, one that most people couldn’t make.
Now for the biggest question: WHAT DO I DO ABOUT THE NAME OF THIS FUCKING BLOG?!